Sunday, August 13, 2006
Vide: 5 - 13 (5th Skandham, 13th Adhyayam)
The discussion between a RISHI and a SHISHYA was explained in BHAGAVATHAM Vide 5 -13. The RISHI was JADABHARATHAR. He took 3 births. In his third birth, he behaved like a mad. In his earlier birth, HE had developed a strog affection towards a deer. This desire had binded him in iron chains. The desire forced him to take rebirth. He was cycled in the SAMSARA SAGARAM (Ocean of life) for 3 births. The simple reason behind this was the uncontrollable desire towards a deer.
The mental cravig forms a sediment and becomes a permanent layer in the mind. This layer forms the concrete basement for building the new birth. When the soul leaves the body, the mental cravings forms a base for reaching a new body. In the same way, when the mind develops a strong desire towards devotion, then it will lead to salvation.
A ruler by name RAGHUGANAN prostrated at the lotus feet of JADABHARATHAR. He humbly prayed at the lotus feet of JADABHARATHAR and asked about the path of human life. JADABHARATHAR started explaining the path of life. He narrated the story, depicting the life to be a forest surronded by bewilderig animals. This explanation about the forest of life was called as BHAVATA VIVARNANAM. The explanations is as follows...
The path of life moves towards materialism, caught in the illusion of prosperities and luxuries of material life. People are enveloped in the trap formed by 3 qualities namely RAJAS (Anger), TAMAS (Dullness) and SATVIC (Calmness) and they remain clinched to them. The human actions cycle around the qualities of calmness, anger and dullness. They keep in mind about the material gains.
Material gains forms the ultimate aim of life. People start developing an uncontrollable desire towards minting money. In search of it, the life moves on busily. People remain restless ad roam from pillar to corner in search of money. In the wild forest of life, people search for water (happiness) to quench their thirst, but in vain. The source of happiness remains hidden, in the forest of life. Mostly people remain unaware of this happiness. They lost their life, in the endless journey of searching the happiness.
In the forest of life, people should be careful to safeguard themselves from the 6 thieves, headed by a boss. These 6 thieves ransack the moey of people. In the forest, many foxes prey at the deer. These foxes tear them in to pieces. The sight seems to be horrible. The 6 thieves loot the money from people just like the foxes preying at the deer and tearing their body into pieces. The forest was surrounded by bushes and green trees, all around. The place seems to be surrounded by thick growth of plants. Deadly insects like mosquitoes, bees do prey at the people. They spread diseases. At times in the forest, he sees illusionary pictures. He started imaginig at them. At times, burning fires fall from heaven. The fires terrifies his mind. At times, the forest catches fire. Buring wodden sticks fell down from it.
Oh! Ruler! He starts accumulating wealth in the form of building, luxurious things, huge ladscape, money, gems and other costlier items. He amass the wealth and develops a sense of ego towards his possessions. In search of wealth, he roams in the forest from one end to another. At times, hurricane hits at him. He was forcibly driven out from his dwelling place. The fuming mud and sand particles settles down in his body. He becomes dirty. His eyes becomes dry. He suffers from the climatic disturbances. At times, he listens to unbearable horrible sounds. He becomes terrified by those sounds. At times, he listens to the sound of owls. He roams in the forest amidst of fear and insecurity. He fears at his life. He fears about the wild animals, which might prey at him. His mind becomes perplexed and tensed.
He suffers of poverty. He roams in the forest with empty stomach. He sats underneath at a barren tree, without leaves. What a Iroy? He was exposed to scorching sun. The sunrays burns him, just like an ant kept in a buring furnace. To come out of it, he search for a shelter. After vigorous search, he finds a tree. But as soon as he reaches the tree, the tree starts sheding out its leaves. Sooner, the tree becomes barren. He loses the cool shelter and the sweet fragrance comig from the tree. He loses the mild breeze comig from the tree.
He leaves the tree and search for another one. The same old story repeats over there. He continues the endless journey of hunting one tree after another. The burning sun rays, dehydrates him. His tingue becomes dry. He search for cool water.
In the forest, he search for a lake to quench his thirst. After a long journey, at a farsight, he finds a lake. He rans towards it, with all his might, but in vain. When he reaches the place, he finds no lake. The sight appeared before him as a lake was an illusion. This illusion of water continues all around the places of forest. He tastes dejection and frustration, at the loss of a lake.
But, he never leaves the journey. He keeps on rolling. He goes to ponds and lakes devoid of water. At times, he was starved to death. He fights with the fellowmen for the sake of food. At times, he spreads scandal about others. At times, he loses his life, being burnt in the forest fire, which engulfs the entire forest.
At times, demons prey at him. He loses his life, in the hands of demons. Sometimes, thieves loot the money and make him a pauper. He becomes sad and depressed. He faints down to earth, on listening to this sad news. At times, he enters the fatacy world of fun and recreation. He felts enchanted. He enjoys the celebration over there. But, he cannot celebrate it for a long time. He was forced to travel in the huge mountain. He has to climb up in the mountain. During his voyage, piercing thorns and hard stones painfully hits at his feet. He climbs in the mountain as a bitter experience, but of no avail.
The family burden surmounts him like a huge mountain. He becomes like an ant kept inside a huge mountain, searching for exit, but in vain. The family pressures binds him. He grew angry at others and shouts at the people around him.
The explanation to be continued in the next article....
Till such time, let the chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM protect us from evils.
The UPADESHAM (Kind precahing) coming from the SATHGURU remains immortal. They know the ultimate reality of life. The path of life as explaied by JADABHARATHAR, will remain immortal for ages to come. The UPADESHAM coming from the SATHGURU enlightens the mind. This path of enlightenment lead us to salvation.
We are fortuned to have our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, in our presence. Let us listen to the UPADESHAM coming from our SATHGURU. Let the divine grace of BHAGAVAN fill our mind with the divine preachings of our SATHGURU.
Let the glory of SATHGURU and SATHSANGAM be spread always.
Let the glory of SATHSAGAM spread to the entire world.
(To Continue...)
The discussion between a RISHI and a SHISHYA was explained in BHAGAVATHAM Vide 5 -13. The RISHI was JADABHARATHAR. He took 3 births. In his third birth, he behaved like a mad. In his earlier birth, HE had developed a strog affection towards a deer. This desire had binded him in iron chains. The desire forced him to take rebirth. He was cycled in the SAMSARA SAGARAM (Ocean of life) for 3 births. The simple reason behind this was the uncontrollable desire towards a deer.
The mental cravig forms a sediment and becomes a permanent layer in the mind. This layer forms the concrete basement for building the new birth. When the soul leaves the body, the mental cravings forms a base for reaching a new body. In the same way, when the mind develops a strong desire towards devotion, then it will lead to salvation.
A ruler by name RAGHUGANAN prostrated at the lotus feet of JADABHARATHAR. He humbly prayed at the lotus feet of JADABHARATHAR and asked about the path of human life. JADABHARATHAR started explaining the path of life. He narrated the story, depicting the life to be a forest surronded by bewilderig animals. This explanation about the forest of life was called as BHAVATA VIVARNANAM. The explanations is as follows...
The path of life moves towards materialism, caught in the illusion of prosperities and luxuries of material life. People are enveloped in the trap formed by 3 qualities namely RAJAS (Anger), TAMAS (Dullness) and SATVIC (Calmness) and they remain clinched to them. The human actions cycle around the qualities of calmness, anger and dullness. They keep in mind about the material gains.
Material gains forms the ultimate aim of life. People start developing an uncontrollable desire towards minting money. In search of it, the life moves on busily. People remain restless ad roam from pillar to corner in search of money. In the wild forest of life, people search for water (happiness) to quench their thirst, but in vain. The source of happiness remains hidden, in the forest of life. Mostly people remain unaware of this happiness. They lost their life, in the endless journey of searching the happiness.
In the forest of life, people should be careful to safeguard themselves from the 6 thieves, headed by a boss. These 6 thieves ransack the moey of people. In the forest, many foxes prey at the deer. These foxes tear them in to pieces. The sight seems to be horrible. The 6 thieves loot the money from people just like the foxes preying at the deer and tearing their body into pieces. The forest was surrounded by bushes and green trees, all around. The place seems to be surrounded by thick growth of plants. Deadly insects like mosquitoes, bees do prey at the people. They spread diseases. At times in the forest, he sees illusionary pictures. He started imaginig at them. At times, burning fires fall from heaven. The fires terrifies his mind. At times, the forest catches fire. Buring wodden sticks fell down from it.
Oh! Ruler! He starts accumulating wealth in the form of building, luxurious things, huge ladscape, money, gems and other costlier items. He amass the wealth and develops a sense of ego towards his possessions. In search of wealth, he roams in the forest from one end to another. At times, hurricane hits at him. He was forcibly driven out from his dwelling place. The fuming mud and sand particles settles down in his body. He becomes dirty. His eyes becomes dry. He suffers from the climatic disturbances. At times, he listens to unbearable horrible sounds. He becomes terrified by those sounds. At times, he listens to the sound of owls. He roams in the forest amidst of fear and insecurity. He fears at his life. He fears about the wild animals, which might prey at him. His mind becomes perplexed and tensed.
He suffers of poverty. He roams in the forest with empty stomach. He sats underneath at a barren tree, without leaves. What a Iroy? He was exposed to scorching sun. The sunrays burns him, just like an ant kept in a buring furnace. To come out of it, he search for a shelter. After vigorous search, he finds a tree. But as soon as he reaches the tree, the tree starts sheding out its leaves. Sooner, the tree becomes barren. He loses the cool shelter and the sweet fragrance comig from the tree. He loses the mild breeze comig from the tree.
He leaves the tree and search for another one. The same old story repeats over there. He continues the endless journey of hunting one tree after another. The burning sun rays, dehydrates him. His tingue becomes dry. He search for cool water.
In the forest, he search for a lake to quench his thirst. After a long journey, at a farsight, he finds a lake. He rans towards it, with all his might, but in vain. When he reaches the place, he finds no lake. The sight appeared before him as a lake was an illusion. This illusion of water continues all around the places of forest. He tastes dejection and frustration, at the loss of a lake.
But, he never leaves the journey. He keeps on rolling. He goes to ponds and lakes devoid of water. At times, he was starved to death. He fights with the fellowmen for the sake of food. At times, he spreads scandal about others. At times, he loses his life, being burnt in the forest fire, which engulfs the entire forest.
At times, demons prey at him. He loses his life, in the hands of demons. Sometimes, thieves loot the money and make him a pauper. He becomes sad and depressed. He faints down to earth, on listening to this sad news. At times, he enters the fatacy world of fun and recreation. He felts enchanted. He enjoys the celebration over there. But, he cannot celebrate it for a long time. He was forced to travel in the huge mountain. He has to climb up in the mountain. During his voyage, piercing thorns and hard stones painfully hits at his feet. He climbs in the mountain as a bitter experience, but of no avail.
The family burden surmounts him like a huge mountain. He becomes like an ant kept inside a huge mountain, searching for exit, but in vain. The family pressures binds him. He grew angry at others and shouts at the people around him.
The explanation to be continued in the next article....
Till such time, let the chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM protect us from evils.
The UPADESHAM (Kind precahing) coming from the SATHGURU remains immortal. They know the ultimate reality of life. The path of life as explaied by JADABHARATHAR, will remain immortal for ages to come. The UPADESHAM coming from the SATHGURU enlightens the mind. This path of enlightenment lead us to salvation.
We are fortuned to have our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, in our presence. Let us listen to the UPADESHAM coming from our SATHGURU. Let the divine grace of BHAGAVAN fill our mind with the divine preachings of our SATHGURU.
Let the glory of SATHGURU and SATHSANGAM be spread always.
Let the glory of SATHSAGAM spread to the entire world.
(To Continue...)