Saturday, May 28, 2005



Divinity brings, totality in life. Divinity - acquiring the divine qualities of Krishna Bhagavan through the chnating of RADHEKRISHNA Namam as given by our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma, will make our life complete in all sense.
The 5 kind of Yagnams (divine sacrifices) that need to be performed by a GRUHASTHAN - One who has house with family members (GHRUHAM) are
1) Deva Yagnam - the divine sacrifices done to please the 5 basic elements of nature, which play a vital role in the creation of mankind.
2) Pithru Yagnam - the divine sacrifices done to please the departed souls, invoking the blessigs of them, and they bring a harmony to our life.
3) Manushya Yagnam - This is otherwise called as NARA YAGNAM. We are all the children of divine parents, namely Krishna Bhagavan and Radha Matha. The services that are done to the society selflessly, under the guidelines of a Sathguru, towards bringing in unity, divine peace and joy.
4) Bhootha Yagnam - This is otherwise called as JEEVA YAGNAM. Showering our love on to the other creatures that are living on this world, comes under this. The other living creatures in this world, directly or indirectly helps in the smooth running of our day to day life. We should be thankful and lyal to Bhagavan for showering his mercy on to us, in keeping this eco system filled with joy and happiness.
5) Rishi Yagnam - This is other wise called as BRAHMA YAGNAM. The sacrifices and humble services that are rendered on to the divine feet of Sathguru and the GURU PARAMPARA, is called as BRAHMA YAGNAM. Obeying the orders of SATHGURU and spending the time usefully in listening to the divine preachings coming from a Sathguru is called as Brahma Yagnam.
Krishna Bhagavan resides in each and every one. Without his presence, every thing becomes immobile. The fruitful actions done by any individual, comes only from the hidden divine power of Krishna Bhagavan. The celestial deva's who are in control of the mighty nature, in the form of 5 basic elements are also kept in control by the divie will of Krishna Bhagavan. The Deva's are also helpless and immobile, in the absence of the divine power and grace of Krishna Bhagavan. The land keeps to be fertile and patient. Ocean keeps to be pure and life giving. Fire keeps to be calm and never exceeds it's limit. Air keeps to be pure, inspite of all our cantaminants and pollutants. The sky always keeps his limit high, and never falls on us. Just imagine for a moment. All the lands becomes barren and the food crops coming from them, produces only poisonous food grains. The drinking water becomes acidic and acts like a poison, killing the human race altogether. Entire earth being engulfed in fire and people all scream to save their life, but in vain. The air starts refusing to enter into our body and they remain in the sky itself. All people die out of suffocation. Entire sky becomes clouded, keeping all our life in total darkess. This is only an imagination. Famine may take place in some parts of the world. But, not in every parts of the world. Even if one part of the world is affected by such natural calamity, Bhagavan extends his helping hand through the people of other parts of the world. But, only those who are fortunate to have the divine blessings of the Krishna Bhagavan, are able to enjoy it fully. The sufferings are blessings in disguise. The noble souls, who showed their sense of gratitude and loylaty to the creation of Bhagavan namely plants, animals, eco system etc., are able to receive it back, as a blessing in disguise. The homage done in the form of 5 yagnams, give the fruit back, as a blessing in disguise, during the miserable time of suffering.
The second kind of Yagnam is called as Pithru Yagnam. This Yagnam is done to pay homage to the departed souls. These sacrifices are done to please the departed souls, who are not in existence in human visible form, as seen by naked eye. The yagnam is performed to please the departed souls, who live in outer space in cosmo's. The Pithru Yagnam belongs to the Vedic Tradition and is still followed with due respect. VEDIC TRADITION insists in performing the Pithru Yagnam, to please the departed souls. It is mentioned in the BHAGAVATHAM that, the PITHRU (DEPARTED SOUL) will come and take the offering in invisible form. The thing that is not visible to our naked eye is termed as invisible and we take the priviledge to condemn them all under the pretext of silly superstitions. Nowadays, we see many people wearing spectacles for their defects in the visibility. On the other hand, there are still many more people, who enjoy good health with good visibility and they desn't require spectacles to correct their vision. The thing that is appearing to our eyes, should have the power to impinge the retina and the lens in the eyes should have the focussing power to absorb that light radiation, in order to get a clear picture of it, to get register in the mind. The sensitiveness and the sensibility of the eye, gives light and shape to the object of focuss and conveys the message to the brain, toacknowledge the same. We see numerous appearences of clouds in the form of elephant, dog, rabbit, mountain, round shape, unproportionate size patches etc., and the brain acknowledges these APPEARENCES TO BE UNIQUE IN THEIR NATURE, in comparision to the REST. A person of defective vision may not be able to rad the letters even at a very shorter distance of 1 metre. In some advanced defect condition, some people are not even able to see the person, standing just before him / her.
Does it mean that the letters written on the board are silly superstitions?
Does it mean that, the person standing before him / her is a ghost ?
A healthy individual with good focussing power and high magnitude of resonance power in the brain, will have much clear vision, even at a distance of 30 to 40 metres. The resolution power of the eye lens, the conductivity of nerve impulses to the brain, are seemingly appreciable in these healthy individual. These individual are able to see cloud appearences at a longer distances of few hundred metres. The resolution power of the eye lens is more and is capable of absorbing even the light radiation coming from those very loosely packed atoms and the brain has the resonance power accompanied by very quick nerve impulses to acknowledge those cloudy appeareces, which are going to be out of scope from the focussing point of the eye lens, once they vanish in the sky.
A thing may not be visible to our eyes due to many reasons. They are
1) Far away ( beyound our scope and focuss of the eye).
2) Very close proximity ( far below the scope and focuss of eye).
3) The defects in the organs.
4)The mental imbalances ( to reconnise and acknowledge).
5) Minute (like that of micro - organism).
6) Vanishing ( disappearing from the impinging medium).
7) Merged ( getting merged with the focussing radiation itself).
8) The mixing of typical radiations ( of same wavelength, radiation, energy).
To know more about the above facts, wait till the next issue to study about the SANKHYA KAARIGAI, written by ISWARA KRISHNAR.
Let the blessings of our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma, bring in us the visibility to have the DARSHAN of Krishna Bhagavan and merge with his DIVINE FORM.

Monday, May 09, 2005



Krishna Bhagavan runs in each and every one, as a minute inseperable unseen thread and binds all HIS creation, as a beautiful ring of beads. The beads represent our body. The soul is the minute thread. When the soul moves from that body, there comes the stage of 'death' for that particular body. The soul never dies. When the thread is broken, all the beads will fall off. The beads are not joined by themself. They are joined by the thread, minutely. The thread acts as a binding force. This thread runs from one individual to another and keeps every one in tact. Krishna Bhagavan residing in each and every body, as a soul should be glorified always. The beads by themself cannot understand that they are joined by a thread. By our own intellect, we may not understand the inter - dependency among each and everyone in the world, in an unseen way. The minute soul binds each and everyone in the world.

To know it by experience, one need to surrender his life to a Sathguru. We are fortuned to have our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma, in our presence. We need a Sathguru's preaching for self - development. The divine knowledge of Krishna Bhagavan is showered to the disciples by Our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma. This treasure of divine knowledge is of immense joy to one and all in the world. The chanting of Radhekrishna Namam, as given by our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma, brings in us a sense of divine individuality and of divine uniqueness, in all walks of life. Chanting brings in us the divine qualities of inner harmony, peace, submissive toBhagavan's grace, calmness and others. The unconditional divine mercy of Krishna Bhagavan is described as KARUNYAM. The discourse on the KARUNYAM of Bhagavan Krishna is an elixir. One can drink this elixir of BHAGAVATH KARUNYAM, by listening to the divine preachings of our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma. The divine grace and the inner harmony hidden in Our Sathguru is a treasure to us. Any eager soul can tap this divine resource and make his/her life a blissful one. To accept the divine grace to one's heart full, the quality of submissiveness and determined faith are the basic requirements. The blessings of Sathguru, makes us humane and brings in us a sense of alertness, at the presence of Krishna Bhagavan, in all walks of life. The creation of Bhagavan is beautiful. The five basic elements of nature plays a vital role, in the creation.

The thread, spread by the spider can very well account for this. The spreaded thread in visible form represents the land - living space. The secreting fluid which makes the net, resembles the water. The appearance of net in visible form as seen from out side, reflects the light and account for fire. The coming-in and going-out, and the force that keeps the phenomenon in a cycle represents the air, namely VAYU. The net that has been built, represents the relative position of a thing, in the outerspace too. The space that is not covered in this net, will become a part of outer sky representing the ETHER. For a particular net built on a particular place, the remaining space may act as a sky. For another net, that is built on some other place, this net and the surrounding places represents the sky (ether). We can see countless number of galaxies, each having its own planets and other celestial items. The planet earth in our milky way galaxy, represents one such net. So to us, the other galaxies represents the outer space. On a relative scale, for some other galaxy in outer space, this milky way galaxy and the surrounding air space will become as sky (ether). The position is relative, not of permanent one. The world relativity is termed as MAYA or ILLUSION. The external modifications in the form of shape, colour, relative position etc., are always misguiding. Our meditation should be one - pointed, towards the primordial source, namely Krishna Bhagavan (SUTHRADHARI). The divine knowledge of experiencing Krishna Bhagavan as the primoridial source, as imprinted in our minds, by the blessings of Our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma , needs to be glorified. We should be humble in seeking the blessings of Our Sathguru -Poojya Shree Shree Amma. We should surrender hundreds and hundreds of Radhekrishna Namam on to the divine feet of Krishna Bhagavan, for the boon of having Poojya Shree Shree Amma, in our presence.
Vayu Bhagavan - a celestial Deva represents the power of air. We are paying homage to him, by means of divine sacrifices through the constant meditation of Nama Japam. The outer space, that is not apparent is called as DEVALOKAM, and is considered as the divine abode of celestial incarnations, who live in sky. The controller of that divine abode in outer sky (say in some other galaxy) is termed as INDRAN or DEVENDRAN. He rules that place. He acts as a controller of that outer space. We may not know, whether life exists or not, in outer space. We cannot always deem to condemn, the outer space life, as given in BHAGAWATHAM. We are not even advance enough to search about our own net, namely the milkyway galaxy. Then, we should strive very hard and work on it, for many hundreds of years to know the hidden secrets behind the outer space life, as said in BHAGAWATHAM. Some scientists ascertain this fact. They say " it may take many million light years of time, to reach the outer space." Even the present day scientists confirm that, there exists TIMELESSNESS, once after a certain height. It means, there exists a state of no time limit, say TIMELESSNESS. But this state of TIMELESSNESS is also relative, when compared to the Divine Leela's of Bhagavan Krishna, in creating all the worlds each of immense and infinite longivity and of a ever unsolved mystery.

The five basic elements of nature are symbolically represented as Deva's viz earth (BHOOMA DEVI), Water (VARUNAN), fire (AGNI), Air (VAYU), Ether (INDRAN). The sacrifices done in the form of DEVA YAGNAM, makes us humble. The relative positionof our life, being constantly reminded, at the outset of these divine sacrifices. The inventions, improvements, advancements are in negligible quantity only. We need a broad mind to further our intellect to think beyond a very small circle of thoughts. Our life is short. Our reasoning should become broad and not narrow minded to discard everything that which is unreachable and unquestionable, by our own intellect. The divine majestic power of Krishna Bhagavan in creating countless number of galaxies and preserving the living sysem is infinite and enormous. Our position and life is relative only. With our small mind and short life span, we can only broaden our intellect and wisdom, to think astonishingly at the divine mercy of Krishna Bhagavan. Divinity is not against of Science. Divinity gives the totality of scientific advancements in all external and internal modifications and of all dimensions too.

A famous scientist of our age, puts it in a nut shell as "Every thing is determined by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust - we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper." - Albert Einstein. Krishna Bhagavan is the piper, who melodiously plays the flute. The divine music coming from the Bhagavan, synchronizes the worlds. We all can dance merrily intone with the divine melody of Krishna Bhagavan, as that of Gopi's. We are fortuned to have Our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma, to guide us. The chanting of Radhekrishna Namam, as given by Our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma, will bring in us harmony and we can merrily dance to the divine music of Krishna Bhagavan, synchronized to the divine VEDIC VIBRATIONS, reverberating in the cosmo's and lead a happy life.

Let our life be filled with the blessings of Our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma. Let our soul rejoice in the divine music, coming from the mouth of Krishna Bhagavan. Enjoy and dance merrily, by listening to the divine music of Krishna Bhagavan through the chanting of Radhekrishna Namam, till we continue in the next issue.


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