Thursday, July 28, 2005




The fourth kind of YAGNAM is called as BHOOTHA YAGNAM or JEEVA YAGNAM. The eco-system has various kinds of species of living creatures, each species having a definite habitat and all together help in the smooth running of this eco-system. Nature loves diversity. Each creature has a specific kind of work to perform, during their life time. The work done by each creature is unique and in that respect, they make the natural elements fruitful, and indirectly save the mankind from starvation. The human race is directly or indirectly helped by the various other creatures living in this eco-system. The JEEVA YAGNAM is performed to express our sense of gratitude to other animals, which helped us in getting the resources from earth.

The cow gives us milk. They help in the agriculture. In olden days, cow helped the farmer as a best companion, in getting the resources from earth. So, cow was considered to be a life giving source and worshipped as a symbol of divinity. The cow and coats were taken care with utmost love and sincerity. The basic requirements in the form of fodder, shelter etc., for these animals were provided by the care takers with due respect. The protective measures were done with utmost care to preserve the biological diversity.
The ruling king gave a good consideration on the aspect of protecting the wild life and biological diversity. The animals like horses, elephants were trained to assist the soldiers in the battle field. Specialized doctors were appointed to look after the health of these animals. The possession of large number of cows indirectly reflected the prosperity of a nation, in those days. The king made suitable arrangements to protect them from the invasion of other rulers. These activities account for the importance of the animal welfare in those days.

The common man also had a sense of commitment towards keeping the wild life in a good condition. The JEEVA YAGNAM accounts for all kind of activities, starting from the household activities to the higher level activities concerned with the king, done towards preserving the biodiversity prevailing in the eco-system.
The daily routines performed by a GRUHASTHAN (a family man), indirectly helped the domestic animals and small insects. In the morning, ladies used to draw KOLAM (E.g. Rangoli) with the powder made from rice flour. This rice flour can be consumed by small insects and ants. It helped the ants and small insects to have some food daily.

The food items prepared were surrendered on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN as a humble offering. A humble prayer was made to please the Bhagavan and the food was served to the family members as a PRASADAM (as a gift of Bhagavan). A small amount of food was kept aside, to feed the birds. Usually crow and some small birds took these offerings and it served their daily food without fail. Some amount of left over food was used to feed the pet animals. The tree, flowers kept on the sides of a house, attracted many species of birds, insects, butterfly, honeybee etc., and these small creatures helped in preserving the diversity of eco-system. The bio-degradable wastes coming form these plantations were recycled as fertilizers and manures. The daily routine of a GRUHASTHAN was in accordance with nature and it helped them to lead a happy life, devoid of pollution and contamination. All the actions that were done towards, bringing in a harmonious natural life, were termed as JEEVA YAGNAM.

The fifth kind of Yagnam was called as BRAHMA YAGNAM or RISHI YAGNAM. This was considered as the prime part of the 5 kind of Yagnam’s. Bhagavan passes his message through the SATHGURU. The SATHGURU come to this material world to uplift the suffering people. The SATHGURU preaches the divine knowledge of Bhagavan. By listening to their words, one can make his/her life a blissful one.
The sacrifices and humble services that are rendered on to the divine feet of SATHGURU and the GURU PARAMPARA [the continuous cycle of GURU and SHISHYA, starting from the past to the present (at any point of time)] , is called as BRAHMA YAGNAM. Obeying the orders of Sathguru and spending the time usefully in listening to the divine preaching coming from a Sathguru, is called as BRAHMA YAGNAM.
The SATHGURU conveys the message of Bhagavan and cleanse our mind. The mind wanders in all directions and remains untamed. The mind search for ANANDAM (unlimited true divine joy). So, it starts moving from one direction to another direction. The ship that is sailing in the sea gets distracted at all directions in the strong wind. In the same way, our mind distracts under the wind of CRAVING and becomes perplexed and tensed.

The CRAVING of the mind comes to a halt, on reaching the lotus feet of a SATHGURU. A lamp that is kept in an open air distracts up and down, in all possible directions. When the same lamp is kept under protection, inside a dome means, there the passage of air is uniform and the lamp glows brightly, giving true colours. The Sathguru’s feet are the protection and this dome will make our inner lamp to glow brightly, giving the true light of KRISHNA BHAKTHI. The Bhagavan calmly resides inside the heart of Sathguru. Thus the inner heart of SATHGURU is the temple of worship for the SHISHYA. In this temple, we can easily catch the divinity of Bhagavan and keep our life a happier one.

The captain of a ship suitably navigates the ship from the upcoming danger of winds and safely takes the people to the boarding point. The captain knows the ways and means to navigate the ship, to reach the destination safely. The travelers need to have a faith in the ability of the captain, so that they can reach the destination. The SATHGURU is the captain, who is leading our life towards the destination of attaining Krishna Bhagavan. Let us have a strong faith on the the words of SATHGURU and lead our life towards the destination of attaining Krishna Bhagavan, Let us have a strong faith on the words of SATHGURU and lead our life journey, happily.

Let the blessings of our SATHGURU Poojya shree Shree Amma, bring in us the determined faith to chant the Radhekrishna Namam continuously, to reach the destination of Krishna Bhagavan in time, without getting distracted in unnecessary things. Let the glory of SATHGURU and the Radhekrishna Namam, spread to one and all in the world




(to continue...)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005



The word MANUSHYA in Sanskrit gives a meaning of clarified mind towards divinity. MANUSHYA can be split in to MAN and HUSHYA. The word MAN – symbolizes the mind. The word HUSHYA – symbolizes free from distractions (purified). The word MANHUSHYA gives the meaning of purified mind. The purified mind, devoid of confusions paves way for a human being to be called as MANHUSHYA. Only those who are fortuned to have a SATHGURU are able to get purify them self, by the mercy of Bhagavan. Such a purified soul attains the state of MANHUSHYA.

The MANUSHYA YAGNAM was performed to make the human being live humanely towards his / her fellowmen. In our inner heart, we should have the divine mercy of Krishna Bhagavan, to extend a helping hand to other fellowmen. The divine knowledge that is shared among the fellowmen brings in a state of harmony in the society. The greatest gift, which is a treasure for ages to come, is none other than, the NAMAM – DIVINE NAME OF KRISHNA BHAGAVAN.

The Sathguru preaches the glory of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM. The gift of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM is precious. The glory of Bhagavan’s Namam is infinite. It is the protection for us at all times, in our life. It is the joy giving source to each and every one. The gift and other charitable activities last for a short span of time only. But, the glory of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM remains a permanent treasure and can be used as and when required.

The food that is offered on one time will make that man calm only for that moment. The next time when he / she feel hunger, there the problem of searching for the food comes once again. The medical help given to the sick people removes one particular disease and the suffering associated with it. Once that particular disease gets cured, there he / she get a sigh of relief. It reappears in some other form. There also the offering given in the form of medical aid remains temporary only. The gift of clothes given on a charitable basis, also serves for a short span of time only. The worldly things are always mortal and they definitely have an end at one point of time.

The worldly education given under charitable means in the form of scholarships also serves for a specific purpose only. The courses that are taught are meant for specific type of work only. They all got some restrictions. The expert knowledge acquired in one particular field also fails to express it’s capability in some other different industry in some alien land.

The courses, practical exposure given under one particular set of educational curriculum, seem to fail in some other alien environment involving some other parameters. The scope and limitation of any kind of course or practical knowledge can be felt in each and every walk of life. The advancements takes place rapidly and at each interval of time, the courses and the knowledge content provided in them takes much modifications, which seems to be random and multi- dimensional too.

The divine knowledge given by the SATHGURU is a permanent treasure and which can be applied in any place under any testing periods of one’s life. All the worldly things and the worldly knowledge are mortal. They all have to end at one point of time and take a new modified form. The knowledge of BHAGAVAN is immortal. The divine knowledge remains a permanent source of true education. The SATHFURU preaches this divine aspect of life in the form of spiritual education.

The chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM, as given by our Sathguru – POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, also serves the purpose of performing the MANUSHYA YAGNAM, in all respects. The RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM is the food for the soul. The food given to the body, gives joy only at that moment. The RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM, namely the food for the soul, brings in joy to the soul and is of permanent joy too. The free food given to the deprived people makes them calm only for that time. The Sathguru freely and abundantly distributes the divine food – namely RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM, to one and all in the world. This divine food will only grow in time and will never get drained. The RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM consumed fully to one’s heart content, brings in total joy to mind and body and gives ANANDAM to the soul.

The RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM, as given by our Sathguru – POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA is the panacea to one and all in the world. Silence is the panacea for all diseases and problems. That kind of divine peace and silence can be achieved by the chanting of Radhekrishna Namam. The chanting of Radhekrishna Namam is the perfect form of medical treatment for the problems and diseases of the people around the world. The chanting done in faith brings in us a state of harmony. This state of harmony heals the body and cures the diseases. The Sathguru freely supplies this medical treatment to one and all in the world. The preaching of Radhekrishna Namam, by the Sathguru forms the MANUSHYA YAGNAM, in true sense as per the wish of Krishna Bhagavan.

The knowledge of self – awareness is the perfect form of education, which each and every one should learn during his / her life time. The self –realization, brings in us the total protection against all odds, during our life time. We are the proud children of our divine parents namely Krishna Bhagavan and Radha Matha. Out of mistaken identity, under the illusion of I’ ness and my ‘ness, we get trapped in the worldly affairs. We imagine that our body is permanent and the people associated with the external pleasures to be resourceful at all times, in our life. But, the SATHGURU preaches the true nature of our life and the divine glory of Bhagavan in making our life to run smoothly. The Sathguru makes us understand that, we are just tools in the hands of Bhagavan and by moving in accordance with his divine plan; we can free our self from bindings.

The knowledge of the divine power of Krishna Bhagavan as given by our Sathguru brings in us a harmony. We come out of the illusion. At each and every stage, the Sathguru cleanses our sins in the form of me and my feelings. When this darkness is removed by the Sathguru, we see the divine light passing through our body. This divine light, takes us from darkness to the world of light. By our own efforts, we cannot wash our sins in the form of the possessive feelings hidden in our heart. The divine grace of Krishna Bhagavan and the blessings of Our Sathguru – POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, act as a guiding force and take us from darkness to light.

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