Friday, April 28, 2006



Vide 9 - 8

(9 th Skandham, 8 th Adhyayam)

The sons of SAGARAN were burnt to ashes by the power of KAPILA BHAGAVAN. The divine horse kept for the purpose of ASHWAMEDHA YAGANM, was missing. SAGARAN's sons were also missing. SAGARAN became depressed. He was praying to BHAGAVAN whole heartedly, to come out of the problem. SAGARAN was having two wives namely SUMATHI and KESINI. The sons of SUMATHI were burnt to ashes. The son of KESINI was called as ASAMANJAS. He behaved indifferently. He was aYOGI, in the previous birth. Knowing about his previous birth, he behaved indifferently in the present life. So people called him as ASAMANJAS (Dull and indifferent). He behaved like a stupid. His attitudes seemed to be mad.

He wish to detatch himself from the bindings in the form of royal kingdom and servants. He started giving troubles to people around him. His behaviour made everyone horrified. People started hating him. on the banks of SARAYU river, small kids used to play, making fun out of their time. ASAMANJAS threwed the children in to the SARAYU river. On hearing this sad news, people became shocked and terrified.

SAGARAN grew angry over this and ordered his son to leave the palace, atonce. On hearing this news, ASAMANJAS never felt any thing bad about it. He accepted it, as a blessing. He left the palace immediately. He went to the banks of SARAYU river. Through his magical powers, he brought back the children and handed over them to their parents. He entered in to the path of detatchment and lead a simple life forsaking the pleasures of royal luxuries. He entred into the path of devotion leading to salvation.

The people of AYODHYA grew happy. They understood the glory of ASAMANJAS. They praised him as a great YOGI with mystical powers. They started acknowledging him, as a divine incarnation, in human form. On hearing about the glory of ASAMANJAS, SAGARAN became happy. He started regretting for the loss of his son namely, ASAMANJAS. But, ASAMANJAS never set back himself from the path of devotion. He attained salvation finally.

The son of ASAMANJAS was called as AMSUMAN. Obeying the orders of SAGARAN, he went in search of the divine horse. He searched in all directions, but in vain. At last, he found the horse near the ashes in the place of a RSIHI, namely KAPILA BHAGAVAN. He realized KAPILA BHAGAVAN as a divine incarnation in human form.


" You are the BHAGAVAN, in human form. The trinity gods in the form of BRAHMA, VISHNU and SHIVA remain unaware about the divine powers of yours. The hidden divine powersof yours remain beyound the capabilities of mind, bodily organs and human emotions. We are humble and remain in the trap of ignorace. How come we can realize the divine powers of yours?

You remain a embodiment of calmness. You are purely SATVIC ( kind and gentle). You remain indifferent to ignorance in the form of angry and laziness. People remain ignorant in realizing the BHAGAVAN as a soul in side the body. They search for BHAGAVAN all- around, but in vain.

The powers of RISHI's were praised by people from time immemorial. But the divine glory of yours, is far superior to them. You represent the divine incarnation of BHAGAVAN. People are binded in the sentimental emotions of creed, jealousy, hatred, ego and other sentimental feelings. They kept themself binded in the homely affairs. They forget the divine divinity kept in them.

You preached us the divine path of YOGA, namely SANKHYA YOGAM. On obeying the principles of SANKHYA YOGAM, one can easily liberate himself from the worldly bindings and attain salvation. I had the fortune of having the DARSHAN of KAPILA BHAGAVAN.

Your DARSHAN enlightened my senses. My bindings were broken. I, pray at your lotus feet wholeheartedly. "

KAPILA BHAGAVAN became happy. He blessed AMSUMAN.

KAPILA BHAGAVAN told AMSUMAN, " Let the horse be taken by you. By sprinkling the holy water of GANGA river, you can find salvation to the sins of your forefathers. The sins made by them remain like a huge mountain. They can be purified only through the GANGA river. They cannnot attain salvation without this.

AMSUMAN prostrated at the lotus feet of KAPILA BHAGAVAN. He left the hermitage. He handed over the horse to SAGARAN. With the blessings of HOWRVA RISHI , the YAGNAM was completed. Obeying the orders of SATHGURU, namely HOWRVA RISHI, SAGARAN handed over the kingdom to AMSUMAN. AMSUMAN ruled the kingdom with utmost dexterity.

SAGARAN left the palace and followed the path of true devotion. He forsaked every thing. He meditated fully on to BHAGAVAN. His prayer was answered. He finally attained salvation from the worldly bindings.

The blessings of SATHGURU lead the life of SAGARAN to salvation. He attained name and fame in the material standards. He attained salvation in the spiritual pursuit. The blessings of SATHGURU can give the happiness of material and spiritual dimensions of life.

We are fortuned to have our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, IN OUR PRESENCE. Let the blessings of SATHGURU, bring us spiritual and material happiness all along our life, leading to salvation form the worldly bindings.

Let the path of KRISHNA BHAKTHI through the RADHEKRISHNA chanting bring in us the true divinity. Let us move towards the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN and remain blissful, all along our life.





Thursday, April 13, 2006



Vide 9 - 8
(9th Skandham, 8th Adhyayam)
INDRAN became angry. He was thinking in a crooked way. The pleasures of DEVALOKHAM, kept him still more tempted. He made a devilish plot, to stop the 100th ASHWAMEDHA YAGNAM. In the YAGNAM, a horse will be symbolized as a prestigious representation of the royal kingdom of the ruler. The horse will be decorated with gold ornaments. After the end of YAGNAM, the horse will be purified by chating Vedic hymns. Then the horse will be sent to various places. A huge army will follow the horse.

A ruler who wish to challenge the supremacy of the performer of YAGNAM, can snatch this horse forcefully. The huge army following the horse will come to the rescue of horse. The kings who wish to accept the supremacy of the performer of YAGNAM, will honour the horse with valuable ornaments. The performer of YAGNAM, should take utmost care in preserving the horse from enemies.

As a ruler of DEVALOKHAM, INDRAN knew this very well. As per Vedic sayings, for any reason if the 100th ASHWAMEDHA YAGNAM gets stopped means, then the powers will be lost. As per Vedic saying, he cannot enter heaven. SAGARAN was performing the 100th one.

INDRAN snatched the horse through his magical powers. He was coward. He had not challenged SAGARAN for a battle. Instead, he took the path of cheating the enemy. He snatched the horse and kept it in a secret place. The horse was missing. Knowing this, SAGARAN ordered his sons to search the divine horse kept for the YAGNAM.

Obeying the orders of father, they searched for the horse in all directions. They wandered to different places and searched for the horse, but in vain. At last, they saw a hermitage of a RISHI. In the place of RISHI, they saw the horse. The RISHI was a deep rooted YOGI. He was none other than KAPILA BHAGAVAN. BHAGAWATHAM describes the incarnations of BHAGAVAN.

KAPILA BHAGAVAN comes in the list ans he preaches about SANKHYA YOGAM. The Yoga philosophy profounded by him, was called as NIRESWARA SANKHYAM. He explained the methods of deep rooted meditation and ultimately liberating one self from the bindings of world.

Coming to the story.,

KAPILA BHAGAVAN was in meditation. He had forgotten the entire world. He had forgotten himself in the meditation. He became one with the inner soul and attained a state of absolute silence. He never knew any thing about the surrounding happenings of the world.

The plot made by INDRAN was very tactful. He knew the power of KAPILA BHAGAVAN. He snatched the horse of SAGARAN and placed it, in the hermitage of KAPILA BHAGAVAN.
Kapilar was in deep meditation for a long time and he never knew about the devilish plot executed by INDRAN.

On the search of horse, the sons of SAGARAN came to the place of KAPILA BHAGAVAN and found the horse there. They thought that KAPILA BHAGAVAN was the thief. They concluded that, HE was enacting the drama of meditation by closing HIS eyes, to escape from the royal punishment. They grew very angry. They lost their senses and reasoning power. Without analyzing the situation, they decided to kill KAPILA BHAGAVAN.

Now, see the dimensions of ANGRY.,

They developed a strong sense of affection to the horse. It represented their prestige in the society. At the loss of it, they became depressed. Obeying the command of father, they searched for it in all directions, but in vain. At last, they have found it in a RISHI's place.

At the loss of a thing of pleasure, the sense of 'EGO' in the mind gets aroused to extreme. At the loss of the horse (prestige), the 'ego' of them gone to the extreme. They never analyzed the situation. At once, they decided to kill the RISHI.

They raised slogans, " Let HIM be killed., Let HIM be killed right at the minute.," and wished to attack KAPILA BHAGAVAN through their weapons. SAGARAN's wife was SUMATHI. She gave birth to 60,000 children. Now these 60,000 warriors of SAGARAN's heridity wished to kill the RISHI. obeying the oreders of father, they should have informed the issue to SAGARAN. But, they never did like that. They lost their mental balance.

At once they gathered as a team and wished to attack the RISHI with weapons. The voice raised by the 60,000 people were of unimaginable dimensions. KAPILA BHAGAVAN was in meditaion for a long time, rolling to many hundreds of years. HIS body resembled a burning furnace, emnating heat radiations all around. KAPILA RISHI opened HIS eyes. It was burning with fire.

The hidden fire kept inside HIS body, came out. At once, the fire burnt the sons of SAGARAN, in to ashes. Even though they were huge in number (say 60,000), they were burnt in no minutes time. It resembled as though they were roasted like small insects, in a burning fire. Now, one can understand the destiny of evil - doers, who hinder the path of devotion of a SADHU.

More to come on the successive issues.,





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