Tuesday, February 28, 2006



(Vide - 9-21, 9th Skandam, 21st Adhyayam)

Once upon a time, there lived a MAHATHMA by name RANTHI DEVAN. He was a true devotee. He followed the principles of austerity. He was following the principles of non - possession. He forsaked every thing. He lead a simple life. He was suffering under poverty for a long time. He was starving for food and water, but of no avail. 48 days rolled on. The sufferings of poverty remained unbearable.

He remained firm in his principles of devotion. He, wholeheartedly prayed at the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN. On the 49th day, his prayer was answered. As per the divine wish of BHAGAVAN, he got some food. He thanked BHAGAVAN, for the food granted to him. He wanted to have that food, which came accidentaly.

At that time, there came a unexpected guest. He was a BRAHMIN of high spiritual value. The BRAHMIN requested some food from RANTHI DEVAN. BHAGAVAN resides in each and every one as a soul. RANTHI DEVAN, prayed at the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN resding within the body of that BRAHMIN. He thanked BHAGAVAN for sending a guest of high spiritual value. He gave some food to the BRAHMIN.

When he was about to have the remaining food, there came another guest. The guest was ugly in appearence. A bad smell spreaded from his body, which made him still more unreachable. RANTHI DEVAN was a MAHATHMA. He had the universal vision of seeing BHAGAVAN in each and every human being. He thanked BHAGAVAN for sending a guest of noble heart. He gave some food to that guest. RANTHI DEVAN was left with very small amount of food.

When he was about to have the food, there came another guest. The guest was followed by dogs. He requested some food from RANTHI DEVAN. RANTHI DEVAN handed over the left over food to the third guest. The guest shared that food with his dogs. Now, RANTHI DEVAN was left with no more food, to passify his hunger. He searched for some thing to quench his thirst. He was fortuned to have some water kept in the pot.

On seeing the water, his mind got passified. When he was about to drink the water, there came a cobbler. The cobbler requested some water from RANTHI DEVAN. RANTHI DEVAN happily handed over the water pot, to the guest. The guest drank the water and went away from the place.


" Oh! BHAGAVAN! I don't want any mystical occult powers from you. I don't want salvation (MUKTHI -LIBERATION) from this cycle of birth and death. On the contrary, I want to beg sufferings from you. Let me burden my self with the sufferings of entire mankind. You remain all- pervasive as a soul in each and every one. Let the blessings of BHAGAVAN grant me the power to eradicate the sufferings of mankind. Let the entire world be filled with joy and happiness, at the expense of my life."

RANTHI DEVAN gave every thing to the guest, even during the testing times of poverty. He prayed for the well-being of entire mankind, at the expense of his personal life. He abandoned every thing. He was caught in the trap of the sufferings of poverty. But, he never developed a sense of angry and frustration towards the evils prevailing in the society. On the contrary, he developed a sense of love and compassion towards the entire mankind. He prayed for the entire world, forgetting totally about his personal well- being and nourishment. He remained selfless. Such is the glory of a MAHATHMA (SATHGURU).

BHAGAVAN wished to explain the glory of a MAHATHMA, through the life story of RANTHI DEVAN. The trinity gods in the form of BRAHMA, VISHNU and RUDHRA BHAGAVAN came to his place as a guest (BHAGAVAN can be found in the place of SATHGURU). BHAGAVAN enacted this drama and proved the world that the inner heart of a MAHATHMA remains selfless, even during the hours of endanger.

RANTHI DEVAN followed the principles of austerity, till his end of life. He had the fortune of seeing BHAGAVAN in true form. BHAGAVAN appeared before him. RANTHI DEVAN prostrated on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN. He was very happy to have the DARSHAN of BHAGAVAN. His mind was contented with the divine joy of BHAGAVAN. He achieved the ultimate goal of life - attaining BHAGAVAN in true sense.

With the blessings of BHAGAVAN, ranthi devan was able to win the MAYA (illusion) in the form of sufferings. With the blessings of BHAGAVAN and through the constant chanting of RADHEKRISHNA nama japam as givne by our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHRI SHRI AMMA, we can also cross the dire illusions in the form of pain and sufferings.

The noble heart of RANTHI DEVAN symbolizes the inner heart of a SATHGURU. The heart of a SATHGURU is full of compassion and divine love. The SATHGURU burdens the sufferings of devotee's, on to their shoulders. The SATHGURU cleanses the sins of devotee's through their chanting. They pray for the well- being of entire mankind - namely LOKHA SAMASTHA SUKHINO BHAVANTHU. We are fortune to have our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHRI SHRI AMMA, in our presence. Let the blessings of our SATHGURU, make our life a blissful one.





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