Wednesday, September 28, 2005



The duality in the form of pleasure, sorrow alternate from time to time. We enjoy pleasure or sorrow with the help of our mind. When some one experiences depression, his / her mind searches for pleasure. The mind craves for seeing beautiful things through the eyes. The mind search for kind words coming from near and dear, through the ears. Mind gets pacify, on enjoying the sweet fragrance coming from flowers or breeze through the nostrils. Mind craves for sweet delicious items and wants to enjoy things through the tongue. Mind wants to touch beautiful soft things and enjoy the pleasure coming out of it, through the skin. These 5 things namely eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin were termed as INDRIYA’s (SENSE ORGANS). During the sad period, one’s mind search for pleasure through these sense organs.

In search of pleasure, mind creates a sense of affection and commitment on to the worldly objects. He / she want to enjoy the total pleasure coming from the worldly things, without any loss. This creates self – centric feelings in one’s mind leading to possessiveness. This attitude grows over time and attains the state of HOMESICKNESS. They take utmost care to protect the well – being of those around them. This state of over – consciousness make them anxious and nervous. They want to extend a helping hand to the people associated with them and the mind starts wandering in all directions.

In the beginning, a ship travels smoothly in a sea. When strong winds blow in all directions, the ship gets distracted in all directions. The captain and the associated people, try to rescue the ship. In the same way, the life ship gets distracted in all directions under the mighty wave of strong wishes. Man toils a lot to rescue the life ship. He puts in hard efforts to rescue his / her life. We take efforts to save the ship. But, we don’t know the ways and means to stop the wind. In the same way, all the human endeavors were focused towards saving the life of people from upcoming danger. We pay deaf ear to the words of SATHGURU, in preserving our self from the strong wind of wishes. Man looks for enjoyment. All the inventions of mankind were aimed at improving the joy of human life. But, unfortunately many of the inventions have turned to be dangerous weapons against human race.

The human efforts gave a partial relief to the problems of the society. But, the problem takes a new form in some other place. Man keeps on finding solution to the upcoming problem; but does a little towards ward off the root cause. When one problem gets solved, the other creeps out. This cycle of cat – rat race continues. The cycle of human actions bind us unknowingly. We confine our self to the conventions of the world. In this entire life struggle, the soul residing in the body remains a witness. The mind alone brings numerous problems.

The control of mind is called as YOGA. There are many ways to achieve it. Some of them are; Philanthropic activities, performing divine routine’s, leading a disciplined life, learning scriptures from the words of SATHGURU, following the principles of divine doctrines, observing fasting etc., These ways appear to be different, but the aim of all these practices is to attain mind control during the period of distress. All these practices need to bring MIND CONTROL, without fail.

When the mind calms down, the body and the sense organs attain a state of true happiness. When the mind gets surrendered on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN, the body experiences a divine joy, devoid of sorrow. This joy spreads around the entire world. Man need to work tirelessly and save money in right ways. He / she had to spend that money in philanthropic activities, under the guidelines of SATHGURU. This will bring true happiness.

The mind is all – powerful. It is the root cause for the enveloping illusion in the form of MAYA. The mind separates us from BHAGAVAN and distracts us in worldly things. It acts as a barrier. We have to cross it, through the divine mercy of BHAGAVAN. The soul residing in the body brings true joy. The mind distracts us in worldly things and brings sorrow. We should hear to the words of the soul; not to the distracting mind.

When the mind gets fully occupied with the divine thoughts of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN, the body enjoys the inflow of divine power. This divine power prepares the mind to face the struggles easily. Through the divine power, one can taste the nectar of success in all his / her endeavors. The continuous chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM, as given by our SATHGURU – POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, keep us motivated at all times. This motivation got from the divine joy gives us enough power to cross the struggles.

The divine mercy of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN is abundant. One should free his / her mind from the distractions, to enjoy it fully. Our mind alone creates friend and foe. We take few people to be our friends and some other to be enemies. By surrendering our self totally on to the lotus feet of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN, we can cross the cage made of rivalry and intimacy. The divine mercy of BHAGAVAN will change our enemies to friends and we can lead a happy life.

Our mind analyzes the qualities, conduct and character of those around us. We categorize people to be either good or bad, based on our mental calculations. We behave accordingly, as the situation warrants. Some time we bite our tongue with the teeth. At this instant, to whom we can show our anger?

The celestial Deva’s have divine power. They control the bodily actions. But, one cannot blame the Deva’s for the sufferings of life, because they are indifferent to the results arising out of bodily actions. Due to bodily impairments, at times one organ gets affected by the other. At such instant, to whom we can vest our anger?

One cannot even blame the soul for the sufferings of the life, as the soul is under the control of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN. We are just dolls in the hands of BHAGAVAN. If we dance as per the divine wish of BHAGAVAN, we will be happy always. Our mind can transcend from the state of sorrow to the state of true happiness through the KRISHNA BHAKTHI.

One cannot blame the planetary motions for the sufferings of life. The planetary motions prevail from time immemorial and will be ever – lasting too. One should focus his / her mind in divine things to come out of the evil effects of planetary motions. The planetary motions come and go. Day, night, summer, winter, autumn and all other periods of time move randomly, non – stop. They are temporary. One can overcome the difficulties arising out of them, through the constant chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM.

The actions determine the results, leading to the duality of pleasure and sorrow alternately in one’s life. The soul remains unaffected, by these external ramifications.
KRISHNA BHAGAVAN is the embodiment of true knowledge. HE can perform all kind of worldly jobs, in absolute dexterity. HE is all – powerful. HE has nothing left over to perform in all the worlds. So, HE has no binding towards worldly actions. HE has no desire for the fruits of the worldly actions. HE does worldly actions selflessly without any anticipation. HE constantly works towards the uplift of mankind to a higher state of divine happiness. By following the divine principles of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN through the guidelines of SATHGURU, one can easily liberate his / her mind from the MAYA (ILLUSION).

Every action has a divine meaning hidden in it. We have to take lessons from it and implement them in the near future. By doing of this, one can regain the losses of earlier life and lead a happy life, in the future. So, one cannot blame the worldly actions for the sufferings of life.

One cannot blame the ‘time’ for the sufferings of life. The time waits for none. The time neither stands enjoying pleasure events nor weeps over sad events. It keeps on rolling. Each day has 24 hours only. It neither increases nor decreases. The mind alone determines the good or bad period, in one’s life. The time does not increase to 25 hours in a day, during the fortune period in one’s life. It does not decrease to 23 hours in a day, during the worse period in one’s life. It keeps on moving. So, time takes no responsibility over the sufferings of life.

Through the mind alone, the bodily organs enjoy pleasure / sorrow. The severity of sufferings felt in the mind, proportionately affects the bodily parts. The mental sufferings impair the bodily parts. The body starts degrading as time passes on. When the entire body gets bio – degradable, there comes the stage of death.

The life struggle is a drama, enacted in the world stage. We are all actors. We came here to act in our respective role in the drama. In this drama, the divine control of BHAGAVAN acts as the performance in the stage. Our body is the doll. The divine thread running across the body resembles the SOUL. The thread is kept in the hands of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN.

When our mind crosses the illusion of I ‘ness and my ‘ness, we become one with BHAGAVAN. Devotion is nothing but unconditional surrender to God. When we surrender our self totally, we can feel the divine power of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN, flowing in us. This divine power is all – powerful. With this divine power, we can cross any obstacle in life. We shall be proud to take ‘REFUGE’ in the kingdom of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN, at the earliest. The control of mind through the chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM brings in us a state of one – ness with BHAGAVAN. This path of transcending the distracting mind from duality to one – ness, through the control of mind is called as YOGA. Through this YOGA, one can cross the sufferings of life.

The BHIKSHU (SAINT) narrated the ways and means to achieve mastery over the mind. He narrated these ways in a hymn form and sang those lines loudly. This song was called as “BHIKSHU GEETHAM” in SRIMATH BHAGAVATHAM, vide 11 -23. (11TH

KRISHNA BHAGAVAN had taught this BHIKSHU GEETHAM to UDHAVAR. Bhikshu had lost all his money. He took austerity. Many people tortured him. He remained unaffected by those sufferings. He kept control over his mind. He crossed the evil qualities in the form of laziness, dejection through the constant meditation of BHAGAVAN. The mind creates a false image in the form of sad / pleasure. One should never be carried away, by it.

My dear UDHAVA, “Fully devote you mind on to me. Let your intellect be on the right track of KRISHNA BHAKTHI. With true dedication, surrender your mind totally on to me. On total surrender of your mind on to me, you will cross the duality and attain one –ness with me. You will take sole refuge on my divine grace and you can feel totally immersed in me. You can enter in to the higher state of liberation –MUKTHI, in the form of SAYUJYAM (becoming one with KRISHNA BHAGAVAN). By following this path of TOTAL SURRENDER – SARANAGATHI, you can attain SAYUJYA MUKTHI (becoming one with KRISHNA BHAGAVAN), without fail. Take total trust on me. This is the crisp of YOGA.”

The BHIKSHU GEETHAM REMAINS sacred and cleanses the sin of mankind. The people who listen to this BHIKSHU GEETHAM, crosses the dire delusion. The people who preaches this BHIKSHU GEETHAM, comes out of the MAYA in the form of duality. On listening to this BHIKSHU GEETHAM, one’s mind gets fully devoted to the divine mercy of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN. It liberates the mind from worldly things. It fixes the mind on to the lotus feet of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN.

The divine grace of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN is abundant. We are fortune to have our SATHGURU – POOJYA SHREE SHREE SHREE AMMA, in our presence. Let us surrender our mind on to the lotus feet of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN through the chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM, as given by our SATHGURU – POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA. Let the chanting bring in us the ‘MIND CONTROL’ to enjoy the divine grace of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN and the divine blessings of our SATHGURU.




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