Saturday, March 12, 2005
We can also see the faces of young kids going tangled and wrinkled at alldirections, when they face dejection and rejection from others. But for allthese problems, the mind is the only root cause. This mind only gives us lotsand lots of problems. We shower our love on each and every one. We want tosacrifice our own feelings, emotions and we want to strive hard for making people around us happy . We toil around day and night. We look for all thethings to end in a happy way. We want to keep our self happy. We want theatmosphere to be conducive and happy always. All the human actions andendeavors are focused towards the centric point of ‘HAPPINESS’.
We can also see the faces of young kids going tangled and wrinkled at alldirections, when they face dejection and rejection from others. But for allthese problems, the mind is the only root cause. This mind only gives us lotsand lots of problems. We shower our love on each and every one. We want tosacrifice our own feelings, emotions and we want to strive hard for making people around us happy . We toil around day and night. We look for all thethings to end in a happy way. We want to keep our self happy. We want theatmosphere to be conducive and happy always. All the human actions andendeavors are focused towards the centric point of ‘HAPPINESS’.
We want to enjoy the happiness from each and every thing, in a best possible way. We work a lot, to manipulate the actions of nature and to combat it in a fruitful way,to make the life artificially, a happier one. We want to create apseudo-natural system (false system as that of nature), which is of higher happiness, as imagined by our self. The present day world has got more luxury.The inventions in a way make the living smooth, comfortable and flexible to runour normal life too. The man-hours are much saved. The actions which were done by travelling very long distances, seemingly tougher tasks are now madeeasier. The world has become a global village. The time, space, money, etc., are made easy. We are provided with much free time. In the ancient times man had to toil a lot. He had to spend many man-hours together with the help ofhundreds and hundreds of people each contributing their precious time. But now man has invented machines which minimizes the time to a great extent. The time is precious. The invention of machines has changed our life style. We can do things easily with least efforts. This can save our time and energy.
Bhagavan is allowing these things to happen freely. But what are we doing with those saved time and energy? We are spending much of our time in T.V. programs and entertainments only. Otherwise, people who are anxious and eager to improve their caliber keep on going with their business round the clock, forsaking everything. They leave every thing. They become man-machines devoid of human emotions. They keep themselves vital and active, just like lubricating parts of a machine. They never have time to speak with children, wife, parents, friends,relatives, leave alone visiting holy places of Sathguru, where one can get thedivine happiness through the Sathguru’s preachings. They go to only ManagementGurus, who teach management skills to improve charisma and to mint money.Whether they are acquiring money or not, that is a different issue. But,definitely for the want of money, every one is losing inner harmony and peace.They become restless and their life is filled with tension,worries and anxiety.
All human endeavors aim in making the world a better place to live in. Theyhave shrunk the world. Bridged the rivers. Connected each and every nook andcorner of the world through Web. They have started to conquer the space. Theyhave started searching for life in outer planets. Produced medicines, which cankeep one self without food for months together, as taken by astronauts who go inspaceships.They are all trying to create a Pseudo- Natural system of ever lastingbeneficiary to one and all. But this is a never-ending story. Even after allthe inventions, even after shrinking time, space, world, man could not get truehappiness. He wants to make the people around him happy. But the inventions havehelped him to shrink the parameters only. They never gave him the true happiness. This does not mean that Science contradicts Divinity or money is abad thing, which should be forsaken. It is not the amount of money that counts,but our attachment with that money, always makes a matter.
You can be an emperorof the world. But by reaching a Sathguru, who can show you the true KrishnaBhakthi, you can still keep your self, unaffected by the wealth, titles, postetc. A Sathguru will show us the true path of Krishna Bhakthi. They will leadus from darkness to light. Bhagavan as enjoyed by us gives the worldlypleasure. The luxury, pleasure, happiness, wealth, as enjoyed by us depends onthe actions performed by us. The Sathguru removes the illusion or Maya of ‘Iness and my ness. We are just tools in the hands of Bhagavan. It is Bhagavanwho only does good things to the mankind, by keeping our body as a tool. Thepleasures enjoyed by being an Emperor of the entire world, is also temporary.Not by any wealth or treasure, we can get the true divine happiness of KrishnaBhakthi. The divine Krishna Bhakthi is incomparable. After all, HE is thecreator of the entire universe.
The wealth of Bhagavan is enormous. His wealthis incomparable. Just imagine the countless number of stars, which are seen onthe sky. Man has now only able to sent Spaceships to Mars. But, in space, wecan see countless number of galaxies, each having lakhs of planets and some ofwhich are highly radiant and powerful than the sun. The Bhagavatham also givesa vivid explanation of our galaxies and the divine Vibhuthi’s (nature ofBhagavan) in detail. Man’s expeditions and inventions are only trying to atleast know, a little bit of fraction of divine Leela’s of Bhagavath Vibhuthi’s.Bhagavan is mercy enough to show, a minute fraction of his divine Leela’s(divine glorious enormous power displayed in visible and invisible form)through the Scientific inventions.But, at times man imagines him self to be a Superior who can conquer each andeverything in an artificial way. Man can become god like. But not by artificial means. He can become like that of Bhagavan, through the Krishna Bhakthi alone.
The money earned, innovations, inventions and endeavors done to reveal thehidden secrets of Bhagavan are only in small quantum, in comparison to the mighty unsolved hidden mysteries of Bhagavan’s Vibhuthi, namely nature. The life span of human being is precious but short lived. During this period, we are created by Bhagavan to enjoy the divine happiness. This body is uniquely created by Bhagavan to enjoy the life happily . We are not born to live in sorrow, tension, anxiety, frustration, restlessness etc. We are born, only to enjoy the divine happiness each and every minute. Tension, anxiety,frustration, restlessness are all due to improper understanding of life. Wetake life in a way as we wish to be, but forget the hidden divine secret andhappiness in each and every obstacle that affect our life. But to know about the divine secrets of life, we need a Sathguru, who can guide us to thatmotive. We take lessons from the school teachers. We learn scientific skills from scientists and management skills through management masters. There we never even imagined raising our voice against them. We are simply abiding totheir sayings. By believing in their words, and accepting them all to be true,we are marching in official life.
But, when we take our life, for our innerhappiness and peace why we are not accepting a Sathguru who can guide us tothat motive? For making livelihood, we are accepting the norms and customs ofthe world. For enjoying true divine happiness and to feel the true divine joy,we can be free to accept a Sathguru, who can teach us the true path of KrishnaBhakthi. Our life is filled with divine happiness. Each and every minute is ablissful one. We are not born to suffer, toil, shed tears and sweat, get ourmind perplexed, tensed ultimately leading to nervousness and restlessness. We are born to enjoy the life properly. Each and every stage in life, our joyshould multiply with the divine grace of Bhagavan Radhekrishna, through thechanting of Radhekrishna Namam. The Nama Japam that is chanted continuously will lead us to Mukthi - liberation. Liberation from all bindings, which keeps us restless.
Here, this greedy man always found himself restless. He kept his mind, occupied with hundreds and hundreds of things. This binding becomes a permanent one and we struggle a lot to come out of it. This man was having a cruel character. He never gave, any money to any body. For people who are cruel, who don’t give and spend money in the righteous path, through the preachings of a Sathguru; the life becomes a permanent headache. This man imposed his principles of misery to the people around him. He never allowed hissons, daughters, wife, relatives to come and enjoy, happily in an occasion or two. He kept himself confined. He became like a mighty monster always minting money and minting more money and keeping them as a treasure. He never allowed any body to take control over it. Seeing his behavior, every one started to hate him. On his face, people praised him. They praised him for the money they were going to get from him as wages. But, on his back, every one despised him.Like a latent fire (hidden fire) in each and every one’s mind, there lied a constant hatred and jealously towards this greedy man.
The servants wanted tocheat him. They did so, as and when time and opportunity came. The servantsstarted cheating him. They exaggerated their work, postponed their work, gavelay excuses etc., and asked for more money from him to complete the task. Forthe want of money, to run the show, he was forced to pay higher wages. Thisgreedy man cheated others. He never spent at least a penny, for divine holythings through a Sathguru. Not even a small amount of his wealth wassurrendered at the feet of a Sathguru, who can utilize it for the welfare ofmankind, through the spreading of Bhakthi. He was neither beneficial to him,nor to the society. His wealth not even served his family. The children werelooking for the fatherly love. He imagined that he was toiling round the clock,to make a huge amount of money, which would be a savior of life for his cominggenerations. But, the present life is gone. Even when he spoke with his wife ,it always ended in business transactions.