Friday, January 27, 2006
Once upon a time there lived a very great sage called ATHRI MAHARISHI. He possessed immense spiritual powers. He was a man of noble heart with a divine passion. He was following vigorous meditation. He meditated the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN to his heart’s full. He performed the divine rituals in the true sense of devotion, devoid of any superficial procedures in the form of customs and traditions. His wife was ANASOOYA. She was leading a simple family life. She obeyed the orders of ATHRI MAHARISHI and assisted him in his divine rituals. The couples lead a true divine filled life with full of divine happiness.
After a certain period of time, they longed for a child. They prayed whole-heartedly on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN. They prayed for a divine child resembling BHAGAVAN in all attributes of divine qualities. During the time of creation, BHAGAVAN takes the form of BRAHMA. The couples prayed to BRAHMA. Their meditation was powerful. Obeying to their true devotion, BRAHMA (CREATOR) appeared before them. The couples prostrated on to the divine feet of BRAHMA. They praised the glory of BRAHMA by Vedic hymns. Pleased by their devotion, BRAHMA blessed the couple by HIS DIVINE GRACE.
After seeking the blessings of BRAHMA, ATHRI MAHARISHI continued his vigorous meditation. ATHRI RISHI and ANASOOYA went to a place called RUKSHA GIRI (a mountain). The place was beautiful. It was covered with beautiful flowers all around it. Sweet fragrance coming from the flowers enchanted the place. A river by name NIRVINDHYA was flowing along the sides of mountain. The birds made beautiful sounds and the sweetness was spreading in all directions. The place was characterized by dreadful cold winter and scorching hot summer. The conditions seemed to be unbearable. The heat and cold alternatively affected the people residing in it. Only a true YOGI of high spiritual powers can live in that place.
ATHRI RISHI was a true yogi. He performed the YOGIC PRANAYAMAM (BREATH CONTROL). Through the powers of it, he conquered the climatic disturbances in the form of heat and cold. Through the control of breath, one can easily control his emotions. When the mind gets disturbed, the breath moves rapidly in and out from the body. When the breath gets calm down, the mind also attains equilibrium. This state of balanced mind is called as YOGA BHAVAM. Through this, one can easily withstand the climatic changes.
ATHRI RISHI stood on one leg and folded the other leg. He performed meditation in this posture for 100 years. He stood on the tip of his one leg and balanced his weight. His body temperature grew very high. His entire body resembled a burning furnace. As years passed on, heat in the form of divine fire emanated from his body. This divine fire was unbearable. The fire was spreading in all directions through wind force. The divine fire coming from the body of ATHRI RISHI was unbearable to any human being in the entire world. People prayed to BHAGAVAN to save their lives from this scorching divine fire. The divine powers
of a SATHGURU remains unbearable to any human being. They possess immense powers. They keep themselves calm and behave as though they are powerless. But, only during the time of endanger, their true powers will manifest to save the fellowmen.
ATHRI RISHI prayed for a divine incarnation in human form as HIS child. He wished for a child with the powers of creation resembling the BRAHMA, the God of creation. He wished that the child should have the powers to protect the entire world, resembling the VISHNU, the God of protection. He wished that the child should have the powers to destroy the evils completely, just like RUDHRA BHAGAVAN, namely the God of destruction. He longed for a child with all these 3 qualities. BHAGAVAN plays 3 roles namely creation, protection and destruction. BHAGAVAN suitably characterize himself with 3 different qualities namely SATHVIC (Calmness), RAJAS (Violence) and TAMAS (Sluggishness) and accordingly performs the 3 different roles.
ATHRI RISHI and ANASOOYA longed for a child with these 3 divine qualities. Their meditation was powerful enough to bring BHAGAVAN to their place. The BHAKTHI of ATHRI RISHI and ANASOOYA should be taken as a role model. People long for a child, whole-heartedly. How many of us really long for BHAGAVAN as a child in our house?
We wish for a child to continue our heredity. But then, life never ends there. The purpose of life is to enjoy BHAGAVAN in human form during our life- time, it self. As a human being, we have the birth- right to pray for a child as that of BHAGAVAN, resembling him in all the divine qualities.
In the story, pleased by their true devotion, the trinity Gods namely BRAHMA, VISHNU and RUDHRA BHAGAVAN appeared before them. The couples prostrated on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN. BRAHMA was seated on his HAMSA VAHANAM (divine swan). VISHNU BHAGAVAN was seated on his GARUDA VAHANAM (divine bird resembling a eagle). RUDHRA BHAGAVAN was seated on his RISHABHA VAHANAM (divine buffalo).
The couples were blessed with the divine grace of BHAGAVAN. The couples praised the glory of BHAGAVAN through VEDIC hymns.
ATHRI RISHI asked BHAGAVAN, “ Oh! BHAGAVAN! We prayed for a child with the divine qualities of BHAGAVAN. I am surprised to have the DARSHAN of trinity gods in the form of BRAHMA, VISHNU and RUDHRA BHAGAVAN. I wish to know the meaning behind this.” To this BHAGAVAN replied, “My dear son, you asked for a child equivalent to BHAGAVAN. In this respect, nothing is equivalent to us. So, as per your request, we wish to take 3 divine incarnations in human form, resembling our divine qualities in all attributes.”
The prayer made by ATHRI RISHI and ANASOOYA was finally answered. The couples gave birth to 3 divine incarnations. The first child was CHANDRAN (MOON GOD). He resembled the BRAHMA in the divine qualities of CREATION. The second child was DHATHATHREYAR, a true embodiment of YOGA. He resembled the VISHNU BHAGAVAN in the divine qualities of PROTECTION. The third child was DHURVASA RISHI. He resembled the RUDHRA BHAGAVAN, in the divine qualities of destroying the evils. The evil- minded people were terrified by the curse of DHURVASA RISHI. His curse burnt the life of evil people in to ashes, resembling the qualities of RUDHRA BHAGAVAN. Thus the couples gave birth to 3 divine incarnations in human form.
The role of ANASOOYA should not be forgotten. She assisted ATHRI RISHI in his divine rituals. She obeyed the commands of ATHRI RISHI and longed for a child as that of BHAGAVAN. The stage of motherhood brings totality to a woman’s life. Through the powers of prayer, a woman can give birth to a child as that of BHAGAVAN.
Let us draw inspiration from their lives. Let our mind be purified through prayer. Let us humbly prostrate on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN time and again. Let us be submissive to the commands of our SATHGURU –POOJYA SHRI SHRI AMMA. Let the chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM, as given by our SATHGURU- POOJYA SHRI SHRI AMMA, bring BHAGAVAN to our home in human form. Let us enjoy the divine happiness of RADHEKRISHNA CHANTING continuously. Let the glory of SATHGURU and SATHSANGAM be spread always.
Once upon a time there lived a very great sage called ATHRI MAHARISHI. He possessed immense spiritual powers. He was a man of noble heart with a divine passion. He was following vigorous meditation. He meditated the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN to his heart’s full. He performed the divine rituals in the true sense of devotion, devoid of any superficial procedures in the form of customs and traditions. His wife was ANASOOYA. She was leading a simple family life. She obeyed the orders of ATHRI MAHARISHI and assisted him in his divine rituals. The couples lead a true divine filled life with full of divine happiness.
After a certain period of time, they longed for a child. They prayed whole-heartedly on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN. They prayed for a divine child resembling BHAGAVAN in all attributes of divine qualities. During the time of creation, BHAGAVAN takes the form of BRAHMA. The couples prayed to BRAHMA. Their meditation was powerful. Obeying to their true devotion, BRAHMA (CREATOR) appeared before them. The couples prostrated on to the divine feet of BRAHMA. They praised the glory of BRAHMA by Vedic hymns. Pleased by their devotion, BRAHMA blessed the couple by HIS DIVINE GRACE.
After seeking the blessings of BRAHMA, ATHRI MAHARISHI continued his vigorous meditation. ATHRI RISHI and ANASOOYA went to a place called RUKSHA GIRI (a mountain). The place was beautiful. It was covered with beautiful flowers all around it. Sweet fragrance coming from the flowers enchanted the place. A river by name NIRVINDHYA was flowing along the sides of mountain. The birds made beautiful sounds and the sweetness was spreading in all directions. The place was characterized by dreadful cold winter and scorching hot summer. The conditions seemed to be unbearable. The heat and cold alternatively affected the people residing in it. Only a true YOGI of high spiritual powers can live in that place.
ATHRI RISHI was a true yogi. He performed the YOGIC PRANAYAMAM (BREATH CONTROL). Through the powers of it, he conquered the climatic disturbances in the form of heat and cold. Through the control of breath, one can easily control his emotions. When the mind gets disturbed, the breath moves rapidly in and out from the body. When the breath gets calm down, the mind also attains equilibrium. This state of balanced mind is called as YOGA BHAVAM. Through this, one can easily withstand the climatic changes.
ATHRI RISHI stood on one leg and folded the other leg. He performed meditation in this posture for 100 years. He stood on the tip of his one leg and balanced his weight. His body temperature grew very high. His entire body resembled a burning furnace. As years passed on, heat in the form of divine fire emanated from his body. This divine fire was unbearable. The fire was spreading in all directions through wind force. The divine fire coming from the body of ATHRI RISHI was unbearable to any human being in the entire world. People prayed to BHAGAVAN to save their lives from this scorching divine fire. The divine powers
of a SATHGURU remains unbearable to any human being. They possess immense powers. They keep themselves calm and behave as though they are powerless. But, only during the time of endanger, their true powers will manifest to save the fellowmen.
ATHRI RISHI prayed for a divine incarnation in human form as HIS child. He wished for a child with the powers of creation resembling the BRAHMA, the God of creation. He wished that the child should have the powers to protect the entire world, resembling the VISHNU, the God of protection. He wished that the child should have the powers to destroy the evils completely, just like RUDHRA BHAGAVAN, namely the God of destruction. He longed for a child with all these 3 qualities. BHAGAVAN plays 3 roles namely creation, protection and destruction. BHAGAVAN suitably characterize himself with 3 different qualities namely SATHVIC (Calmness), RAJAS (Violence) and TAMAS (Sluggishness) and accordingly performs the 3 different roles.
ATHRI RISHI and ANASOOYA longed for a child with these 3 divine qualities. Their meditation was powerful enough to bring BHAGAVAN to their place. The BHAKTHI of ATHRI RISHI and ANASOOYA should be taken as a role model. People long for a child, whole-heartedly. How many of us really long for BHAGAVAN as a child in our house?
We wish for a child to continue our heredity. But then, life never ends there. The purpose of life is to enjoy BHAGAVAN in human form during our life- time, it self. As a human being, we have the birth- right to pray for a child as that of BHAGAVAN, resembling him in all the divine qualities.
In the story, pleased by their true devotion, the trinity Gods namely BRAHMA, VISHNU and RUDHRA BHAGAVAN appeared before them. The couples prostrated on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN. BRAHMA was seated on his HAMSA VAHANAM (divine swan). VISHNU BHAGAVAN was seated on his GARUDA VAHANAM (divine bird resembling a eagle). RUDHRA BHAGAVAN was seated on his RISHABHA VAHANAM (divine buffalo).
The couples were blessed with the divine grace of BHAGAVAN. The couples praised the glory of BHAGAVAN through VEDIC hymns.
ATHRI RISHI asked BHAGAVAN, “ Oh! BHAGAVAN! We prayed for a child with the divine qualities of BHAGAVAN. I am surprised to have the DARSHAN of trinity gods in the form of BRAHMA, VISHNU and RUDHRA BHAGAVAN. I wish to know the meaning behind this.” To this BHAGAVAN replied, “My dear son, you asked for a child equivalent to BHAGAVAN. In this respect, nothing is equivalent to us. So, as per your request, we wish to take 3 divine incarnations in human form, resembling our divine qualities in all attributes.”
The prayer made by ATHRI RISHI and ANASOOYA was finally answered. The couples gave birth to 3 divine incarnations. The first child was CHANDRAN (MOON GOD). He resembled the BRAHMA in the divine qualities of CREATION. The second child was DHATHATHREYAR, a true embodiment of YOGA. He resembled the VISHNU BHAGAVAN in the divine qualities of PROTECTION. The third child was DHURVASA RISHI. He resembled the RUDHRA BHAGAVAN, in the divine qualities of destroying the evils. The evil- minded people were terrified by the curse of DHURVASA RISHI. His curse burnt the life of evil people in to ashes, resembling the qualities of RUDHRA BHAGAVAN. Thus the couples gave birth to 3 divine incarnations in human form.
The role of ANASOOYA should not be forgotten. She assisted ATHRI RISHI in his divine rituals. She obeyed the commands of ATHRI RISHI and longed for a child as that of BHAGAVAN. The stage of motherhood brings totality to a woman’s life. Through the powers of prayer, a woman can give birth to a child as that of BHAGAVAN.
Let us draw inspiration from their lives. Let our mind be purified through prayer. Let us humbly prostrate on to the lotus feet of BHAGAVAN time and again. Let us be submissive to the commands of our SATHGURU –POOJYA SHRI SHRI AMMA. Let the chanting of RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM, as given by our SATHGURU- POOJYA SHRI SHRI AMMA, bring BHAGAVAN to our home in human form. Let us enjoy the divine happiness of RADHEKRISHNA CHANTING continuously. Let the glory of SATHGURU and SATHSANGAM be spread always.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
VIDE (10 -2) - 64
"Oh! BHAGAVAN! The YOGI's meditate on your lotus feet. Their mind gets purified through your meditation. You remain indifferent to worldly attires. No wordly actions can bind you. You are above all worldly actions. On attaining liberation, a man reaches your lotus feet. The RISHI"s meditate on your lotus feet for hundreds and hundreds of years. The YOGI's practice ASTANGA YOGA (8 folded meditation). Even after a very long time, most of them search you till their end of life. Their divine search continues in the next birth. In this way, many noble souls search you for many births. You rule the DEVA's. You are the creator of the universe. You are the protector of the universe. Your divine abode remains the ultimate destination for all human beings. You reside in each and every one as the soul in the body.
The VEDIC hymns praise your glory. You protect your devotee's without fail. Your divinity remains infinite. All divine qualities of perfection sprouts from you. Your divine incarnation in the form of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN is a blessing to one and all. You have taken this human form to destroy the evil minded persons. I am very fortune to have your DARSHAN as KRISHNA BHAGAVAN in human form. Your DARSHAN made my life purposeful and fruitful. To enjoy the fruits of PUNYA KARMA, I wish to leave for DEVALOKAM. Please permit me. Let my mind be filled with your divine DARSHAN at all times in all places. Wherever I may be, let my mind be filled with your divine DARSHAN always. You are the ultimade abode for all human beings.
The universe takes shelter at your divine form. All the worlds are blessed with your divinity. During the time of creation, Your divine will rules the entire world and a new life begins. You are the source of permanent joy. I pray at your lotus feet time and again. Wherever I may be, What ever my state may be, let my mind be surrendered on to the lotus feet of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN. Please grant me this boon. "
Having spoken those words, NRUGA RAJAN prostrated on to the lotus feet of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN. KRISHNA BHAGAVAN gave him permission to enter the DEVALOKAM. A divine flight from DEVALOKAM came there. NRUGA RAJAN entered in to it. He travelled in the sky and reached DEVALOKAM. He enjoyed the wordly luxuries as a king. He was taken to DEVALOKAM to enjoy the royal luxuries of celestial abode. He had the fortune of seeing KRISHNA BHAGAVAN IN HUMAN FORM. All these divine glories came to him through the blessings of BRAHMINS (SATHGURU).
Even the meditation done by RISHI's and YOGI's for hundreds and hundreds of years cannot match the BHAKTHI got through a SATHGURU. The blessings of SATHGURU is the opening gate way to MUKTHI (LIBERATION). BHAGAVAN COMES TO THE PLACE OF A BHAKTHA, to accept his true devotion and his unswerved faith on to his SATHGURU. The glory of SATHGURU brings BHAGAVAN nearer to a BHAKTHA. In this regard, a SATHGURU forms a bridge between BHAGAVAN AND BHAKTHA. Their blessings paves way for BHAGAVAN to reach the place of a BHAKTHA at the earliest. This path is simple. The path of passing various stages of testing times and reaching BHAGAVAN through hierarchy after leaving various worlds of celestial abode namely DEVALOKAM, RISHI LOKAM, PITHRU LOKAM, BRAHMA LOKAM etc., seems to be tedious. Any one can follow the simple path of KRISHNA BHAKTHI got through a SATHGURU.
KRISHNA BHAGAVAN narrated the glory of BRAHMINS (SATHGURU) as follows,
"Humiliationg and snatching the wealth of BRAHMINS is a dreadful sin. It resembles a fuming fire and this fire leaves nothing. It ruins the heridity of the sinner and leaves him to ashes as well as his successsive generations too. The external fire can burn the tree leaving the roots hidden in the soil. But this fire, burns the family root namely the sinner and the offsprings in the form of branches and makes them to ashes. This dreadful sin is more poisonous than any poison prevailing in the world. The poisons can be antidoted with medicines. But this sin can never be annulled with any medicine. Nothing can digest this dreadful sin. The person who snatches the wealth of BRAHMINS UNKNOWINGLY ruins the life of 3 generations including himself. The person who snatches the welath of BRAHMINS KNOWINGLY BY FORCE ruins the life of 10 generations including his life.
As a king, protecting the welfare of BRAHMINS come in the priority list of my official duties. I consider it to be my prime duty to protect the welfare of BRAHMINS ultimately leading to the prosperity of the nation. The tears coming from the deprived (BRAHMINS) is a bane to the country and can bring in various kinds of atrocities to the nation. I am afraid of this dreadful sin. So, I beseech You all, Oh! YADHAVA's! Let you never commit this sin of humiliating and hurting the BRAHMINS through your words and actions. Let you give due respect to BRAHMINS. Let their blessings be with you. In my deep heart, I love BRAHMINS. I seek their blessings in the guidance of governing the nation. I take each and every precautionary measures to save their livelihood. But then many kings spoil their life unknowingly by hurting the BRAHMINS. Sooner or later, their life will become miserable. They will lose their ruling power. They will be conquered by enemies. Soon they may lead a life of slaves. The sin commited by them will continue to affect their offsprings too.
KRISHNA BHAGAVAN stressed the importance of protecting the welfare of BRAHMINS (SATHGURU) through the life story of NRUGA RAJAN. The blessings of BRAHMINS is a permanent treasure. On the contrary, one should not commit the sin of hurting the BRAHMINS (SATHGURU) by means of their words and actions.
We are fortune to have our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, in our presence. The blessings of our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA is a permanent treasure to us. Let our mind be surrendered on to the lotus feet of our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA. Let the blessings of our SATHGURU bring us KRISHNA BHAGAVAN to our place just like NRUGA RAJAN having the DARSHAN of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN in the barren well. Let the glory of SATHGURU and SATHSANGAM be spread always.
"Oh! BHAGAVAN! The YOGI's meditate on your lotus feet. Their mind gets purified through your meditation. You remain indifferent to worldly attires. No wordly actions can bind you. You are above all worldly actions. On attaining liberation, a man reaches your lotus feet. The RISHI"s meditate on your lotus feet for hundreds and hundreds of years. The YOGI's practice ASTANGA YOGA (8 folded meditation). Even after a very long time, most of them search you till their end of life. Their divine search continues in the next birth. In this way, many noble souls search you for many births. You rule the DEVA's. You are the creator of the universe. You are the protector of the universe. Your divine abode remains the ultimate destination for all human beings. You reside in each and every one as the soul in the body.
The VEDIC hymns praise your glory. You protect your devotee's without fail. Your divinity remains infinite. All divine qualities of perfection sprouts from you. Your divine incarnation in the form of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN is a blessing to one and all. You have taken this human form to destroy the evil minded persons. I am very fortune to have your DARSHAN as KRISHNA BHAGAVAN in human form. Your DARSHAN made my life purposeful and fruitful. To enjoy the fruits of PUNYA KARMA, I wish to leave for DEVALOKAM. Please permit me. Let my mind be filled with your divine DARSHAN at all times in all places. Wherever I may be, let my mind be filled with your divine DARSHAN always. You are the ultimade abode for all human beings.
The universe takes shelter at your divine form. All the worlds are blessed with your divinity. During the time of creation, Your divine will rules the entire world and a new life begins. You are the source of permanent joy. I pray at your lotus feet time and again. Wherever I may be, What ever my state may be, let my mind be surrendered on to the lotus feet of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN. Please grant me this boon. "
Having spoken those words, NRUGA RAJAN prostrated on to the lotus feet of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN. KRISHNA BHAGAVAN gave him permission to enter the DEVALOKAM. A divine flight from DEVALOKAM came there. NRUGA RAJAN entered in to it. He travelled in the sky and reached DEVALOKAM. He enjoyed the wordly luxuries as a king. He was taken to DEVALOKAM to enjoy the royal luxuries of celestial abode. He had the fortune of seeing KRISHNA BHAGAVAN IN HUMAN FORM. All these divine glories came to him through the blessings of BRAHMINS (SATHGURU).
Even the meditation done by RISHI's and YOGI's for hundreds and hundreds of years cannot match the BHAKTHI got through a SATHGURU. The blessings of SATHGURU is the opening gate way to MUKTHI (LIBERATION). BHAGAVAN COMES TO THE PLACE OF A BHAKTHA, to accept his true devotion and his unswerved faith on to his SATHGURU. The glory of SATHGURU brings BHAGAVAN nearer to a BHAKTHA. In this regard, a SATHGURU forms a bridge between BHAGAVAN AND BHAKTHA. Their blessings paves way for BHAGAVAN to reach the place of a BHAKTHA at the earliest. This path is simple. The path of passing various stages of testing times and reaching BHAGAVAN through hierarchy after leaving various worlds of celestial abode namely DEVALOKAM, RISHI LOKAM, PITHRU LOKAM, BRAHMA LOKAM etc., seems to be tedious. Any one can follow the simple path of KRISHNA BHAKTHI got through a SATHGURU.
KRISHNA BHAGAVAN narrated the glory of BRAHMINS (SATHGURU) as follows,
"Humiliationg and snatching the wealth of BRAHMINS is a dreadful sin. It resembles a fuming fire and this fire leaves nothing. It ruins the heridity of the sinner and leaves him to ashes as well as his successsive generations too. The external fire can burn the tree leaving the roots hidden in the soil. But this fire, burns the family root namely the sinner and the offsprings in the form of branches and makes them to ashes. This dreadful sin is more poisonous than any poison prevailing in the world. The poisons can be antidoted with medicines. But this sin can never be annulled with any medicine. Nothing can digest this dreadful sin. The person who snatches the wealth of BRAHMINS UNKNOWINGLY ruins the life of 3 generations including himself. The person who snatches the welath of BRAHMINS KNOWINGLY BY FORCE ruins the life of 10 generations including his life.
As a king, protecting the welfare of BRAHMINS come in the priority list of my official duties. I consider it to be my prime duty to protect the welfare of BRAHMINS ultimately leading to the prosperity of the nation. The tears coming from the deprived (BRAHMINS) is a bane to the country and can bring in various kinds of atrocities to the nation. I am afraid of this dreadful sin. So, I beseech You all, Oh! YADHAVA's! Let you never commit this sin of humiliating and hurting the BRAHMINS through your words and actions. Let you give due respect to BRAHMINS. Let their blessings be with you. In my deep heart, I love BRAHMINS. I seek their blessings in the guidance of governing the nation. I take each and every precautionary measures to save their livelihood. But then many kings spoil their life unknowingly by hurting the BRAHMINS. Sooner or later, their life will become miserable. They will lose their ruling power. They will be conquered by enemies. Soon they may lead a life of slaves. The sin commited by them will continue to affect their offsprings too.
KRISHNA BHAGAVAN stressed the importance of protecting the welfare of BRAHMINS (SATHGURU) through the life story of NRUGA RAJAN. The blessings of BRAHMINS is a permanent treasure. On the contrary, one should not commit the sin of hurting the BRAHMINS (SATHGURU) by means of their words and actions.
We are fortune to have our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, in our presence. The blessings of our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA is a permanent treasure to us. Let our mind be surrendered on to the lotus feet of our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA. Let the blessings of our SATHGURU bring us KRISHNA BHAGAVAN to our place just like NRUGA RAJAN having the DARSHAN of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN in the barren well. Let the glory of SATHGURU and SATHSANGAM be spread always.