Sunday, August 28, 2005



The BHIKSHU started narrating the evil consequences of achieving mastery over money by immoral means. The torture and mental agony undergone by any one, for the want of minting more money is unbearable. The sufferings undergone by them, is unexplainable. They have to skip their meals. They have to work tirelessly for hours together, forsaking their basic requirements in life, namely sound sleep, proper food, mental calmness, inner harmony, leading a happy life etc., A person should always find the ways and means to lead a happy life, through divine blessings.

The money creates a split in the family relationship. Brothers and sisters get separated. Intimate friends turn to be near rivals, for the want of money. Parents in the family were left without any mercy, by their respective children. Close relatives quarrel with one another, for getting more share of money, in the hereditary family possessions. The money acts as a best partition, among people.

People get deeply depressed, even at the loss of a very small amount of money. Even a small amount of money breaks the relationship. It creates quarrel, leading to fight among them. The poor and the deprived were driven out of the family. The money burns the sympathy and humanness in one’s heart. The heart of those people becomes dry. Their heart is devoid of sympathy and mercy.

This human life is precious. The Deva’s, who live in their divine celestial abode (DEVALOKAM), are eagerly praying for a human birth in this BHOOLOKAM (earth). The human birth in the earth is far superior to any thing. One can easily attain liberation (MUKTHI), by taking a birth in this BHOOLOKAM (earth). One should search for a Sathguru, at the earliest. One should never waste his / her precious human life, in undue means. This human life is the opening gateway to MUKTHI (liberation). Having taken a birth in this earth, one should enter into the world of MUKTHI, without any delay, through the divine blessings.

The greediness in one’s mind, make him / her, a workaholic. This state of over – exertion brings numerous problems in personal and public life. The man starts to accumulate money and dump it, in a secret place. His / her mind gets fully occupied with the thoughts of preserving that money safely, without any loss. This mental stiffness makes them rigid. They behave like a mighty monster, in preserving that large amount of money. But, that money alone will not serve in all occasions and forcible circumstances. Many unavoidable circumstances may come in one’s life, wherein he / she had to take a shelter under the divine grace of Bhagavan.

During the time of old age, one’s mind starts craving for kind hearted people, devoid of selfishness. Having crossed many golden years of life, mostly people starts to repent over the missed opportunities. They start dreaming about their earlier days of life. In that dream world of repenting over the past, some more years also passes on. The money earned by him / her goes to the successive generation. The young folks spent that money luxuriously. At the site of this, the people at the old age, gets much depressed and their life turns towards darkness.

At the old age, they become incapable of controlling their children. The children wish to rule over their aged parents and they become deaf ear to the advices coming from elders. This state of neglect, coming from their own children makes the elderly people to confine themselves within the four walls of the house. Their own house seems to be a jail and they behave as though, they were kept in house arrest. They keep themselves aloof. The mental dejection and sadness felt in their heart, makes them taciturn. They suppress their inner emotions and keep their mouth shut. They exhibit a false smile on their face, in the midst of public and remorse silently in the dark.

The physical and mental stamina starts reducing. They have to depend on some body for their day to day life. They have to implore with people, even for a very small wanting in life. At this stage, the money alone will not serve as a pacifier of sorrows. Money is essential for leading a happy life. But, money alone will not bring totality in life. Life is multi – dimensional and money plays a role in it. One should search for the divine peace at the earliest. The divine peace achieved through devotion will bring the totality in life.

The BHIKSHU started saying, “I should be thankful to Bhagavan. HE had taught me a beautiful lesson about life. I have lost all my money. Now, I don’t have any burden. I don’t have to worry about any thing. Now, I understood the cruelty hidden in the inner heart of people. For enjoying material benefits, they made use of me and sucked my wealth. On hearing about my poverty, they all eloped in no minutes of time. I am left all alone in this world. No one is ready to care for me. Now, I have to search for that divine kind hearted person, namely the KRISHNA BHAGAVAN. All along my life, I searched for happiness from these materialistic people, but in vain. Now, should search for divine happiness coming from the BHAGAVAN. This poverty had provoked in me, a sense of determination to attain Bhagavan. Bhagavan will shower his grace on me. HE will accept me without fail.”

From the state of greedy man, his life was transformed to a state of BHIKSHU (austerity). He left every thing. He carried with him the divine grace of Krishna Bhagavan. This divine grace guided him to cross the barriers and he accepted the sufferings as blessings in disguise. The grace of Bhagavan is all – pervasive, as that of sun rays. One should enjoy the happiness of divine grace, at the earliest.

Krishna Bhagavan had showered his abundant grace to one and all in the world, on the KRISHNA JAYANTHI DAY. Let the blessings of our Sathguru – POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA, make our life, a happier one. Let the divine grace of KRISHNA BHAGAVAN, bring in us, the sense of determination to go in the path of Krishna Bhakthi, as given by Our Sathguru – Poojya Shree Shree Amma.





Friday, August 12, 2005



The greedy man was wasting his life in undue means. HE abandoned the 5 kind of YAGNAMS. Every action has it's own reaction. The actions that are in accordance with the divine wish of Bhagavan are termed as PUNYA KARMA (FRUITFUL ACTIONS). These actions mutually benefit one another and will improve the prosperity of the society. The actions that are self - centric, leading to the exploitation of natural resources / fellowmen in the society are termed as PAPA KARMA (FUTILE ACTIONS). These actions will make our life sorrowful.
The fruit of PUNYA KARMA is pleasure. The fruit of PAPA KARMA is sorrow. Hinduism lays a strong foundation on this KARMA THEORY. One of the Scientific law says, " every action will have an equivalent and opposite reaction". The foundation stone for this scientific law was laid in the form of Karma Theory, by Hinduism from time immemorial. The right actions in the form of Punya Karma wil return back as PUNYAM (reaction) leading to pleasure. The wrong actions inthe form of PAPA KARMA will return back as PAPAM (reaction) leading to sorrow.
In the story, the wealthy man was giving much trouble to the people around him. The wrong actions done by him in the form of Papa Karma, started to show their true face in the form of Papam, leading to sorrowful life. A bad time came in his life. His wealth started reducing. He was toiling night and day for years together to stock and accumulate huge amount of wealth. The people associated with him made a develish plot to snatch his wealth. They cleverly betrayed him and looted much of his wealth. Some thieves started visiting his place regularly and were happy to leave from his house with a valuable stock of jewels, gold, jems etc., at every visit, now and then.
The enemies started to destroy his wealth by wrong means. They burnt his mighty stock of wealth in the form of farmhouse, agriculture lands etc., in no minutes of time with the help of a small pile of fire. Out of fear, the wealthy man started to dump his wealth underground, so that he can make use of them as a treasure in later years. But, that too was in vain. He kept his money for a long time under the earth. The currency had got rotten and of no use to any one. Accumulation of huge money is not wealth.
Getting the right things at the right proper time through right means, as per the guidelines of a SATHGURU, can very well account for prosperous happy life. Money itself will not bring happiness and pleasure. The money earned through right means under the guidelines of a SATHGURU will bring in us a sense of fulfillment. This state of satisfaction cannot be achieved by material means. Inner happines can be attained through the constant chanting of Radhekrishna Namam and seeking the blessings of our Sathguru - Poojya Shree Shree Amma.
In his earlier life, the greedy man was not listening to the kind advice coming from the SATHGURU. He betrayed many people. The affected people started developing their power as years passed on. When the wealthy man was in hardship, they started playing with his life. They gave him unbearable troubles. They made suitable arrangements to ruin his life. They informed the ruling power (King) about the unauthorized money kept under his stock. The wealthy man was cheating the government. He made use of his power in the form of money, influene, authority, links etc., and cheated the government, during his earlier life. Now, the government snatched much of his wealth under the pretext of penalty and due charges.
Under selfish means, many people helped him to cheat the deprived and minted money like any thing. He thought that they were his intimate friends and of close associates too. He trusted at them. But, that was not the real scenario. On hearing about his poverty, many of his intimate friends, left him without any hesitation for even a second. They left him to suffer in his life, in the later years. They never stopped at that point. They started giving him much troubles, discarding their earlier intimacy with him. His very own intimate friends have turned to be near rivals. They sucked his wealth, to the last drop of blood and left him penniless in this world.
All his money was lost. He became a pauper. Every one started neglecting him. He was left all alone, in this world. There was no one to passify his sorrows. He was not following the righteous means. He was not doing the PUNYA KARMA (FRUITFUL ACTIONS), leading to pleasure. He was left penniless and can no longer enjoy the material benefits. His friends, relatives, servants etc., and all other people left him in utter distress. He entered into a state of GLOOM as if his "LIFE SHIP" was broken into pieces and nothing is worthwhile after this state of extreme sadness.
He started crying in loud voice, " My wealth was lost. I betrayed many people for the want of more money. I am receiving the fruit of it. Now, I am feeling the sufferings of it. I was making a fun play with their life. But, when I am facing this utter distress, I could feel their mental agony. Bhagavan has taught me this beautiful lesson, in a nice way. The people, whoever I trusted a lot, left me in no minutes of time. After all, they were after my money. When my money was lost, they left the scene. I have misplaced my trust in these materialistic people. I should have kept a strong faith in the words of seer's (SATHGURU).
I have lost much of my life. But, then I have some more years to pass on. Let me make use of those years, in building a strong faith on to the lotus feet of Krishna Bhagavan. I have passed many hardships and minted money. But, that money was mortal. Let me accept the sufferings as blessings in disguise and lead a poise devotional life. I was running after money, in my earlier life. Let me run after the divine peace, in my later life."
He started narrating the materialistic uncertainity life as his own life experience. This body was unnecessarily tortured to mint money. This body is the divine abode of Krishna Bhagavan. I have ruined it. All my efforts have become futile. When I was put under micery, nothing saved me. Neither money nor materialistic people, came to my rescue. Now I can firmly say that, " The money that is not spent for divine cause, under the guidelines of scriptures as written by seer's, will never bring in real happiness, in any one's life." The money always remains temporary. It passes on from one hand to another. Even when it is dumped in huge stock, it will be ransacked by someone, by some immoral means, at one point of time. The life is short. One should search for the right means to lead a happy life.
The beginning of leprosy will make a beautiful appearence, seemingly ugly. In the same way, even a small amount of misery in one's mind, will destroy all his good qualities. One should never be selfish. One should always help his / her fellowmen, by sparing some of his / her money, under the guidelines of righteous divine norms. One should listen to the words of a SATHGURU, on this aspect. The SATHGURU possess, a vast knowledge on the divine norms leading to a blissful world. To make this world, a blissful one, one should go by the words of a SATHGURU, to know the hidden meaning behind scriptures.
Human beings toil a lot, to make money for their day to day living. After attaining that level, they enter into a higher state of minting more money and multiplying their materialistic resources. They segregate themselve from the poor and needy. They seperate themselve as upper middle class. They suitably focus their mind towards finding the ways and means to protect their possessions in the form of land, building, money, gold ornaments etc., After attaining a certain stage, that wealth starts ruling their life. A big treasure is a big misery. That treasure binds them in iron chains. First they toil a lot, to have mastery over money. But, in their later years, the money laugh at them. The money rules their master. The money gains a mastery over their so called wealthy possessor.
For minting huge money various mischievous evil things are done. These include cheating, hypocrisy, exploiting the other man's natural abilities, becoming a liar, taking suitable make-up and enacting beautiful plays to impress others, cheating others by means of words, gestures, costumes etc., making develish plot to abduct others by immoral means, getting angry at the loss of wealth, developing egoism / superiority complex, feels proud on achieving a high target and all other related symptoms arise. Egoism, loss of reasoning, partiality, vengeance, suspicion, hatred, gambling, bad company, drinking habits, addicted to bad habits, enjoying immoral carnal pleasure, immoral marital relationship etc., and all these arise out of achieving mastery over money, by immoral means.
The possession of wealth will not bind us, if we keep our mind detatched from it. We can enjoy the luxurious life, as per the divine wish of Krishna Bhagavan. But, they should not be enjoyed under the illusion of egoism and sentimental bindings. We should enjoy the worldly things, as a divine gift of Krishna Bhagavan. By surrendering the sensual pleasures arising out of them, on to the lotus feet of Krishna Bhagavan, we can keep our mind detatched from worldly bindings. The blessings of SATHGURU, will make this statement, a reality. Only through the blessings of a SATHGURU , we can make our mind detatched from sentimental bindings.
We are fortuned to have our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA. We got this precious life. We are fortuned to receive the blessings from our SATHGURU, at a earlier stage in our life. Let us spend the rest of our life, towards a noble cause of attaining Krishna Bhagavan.
The narration of this doctrine will continue in the following pages, in the upcoming issue.

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